food for thought, words to live by, etc.
I sort of collect quotations, words of famous and less-than-famous people that strike me as particularly memorable. Some months ago I finally set up a small database to make finding one I might be booking for a little easier. For some reason I've never made my own collection of quotations related to the BDSM lifestyle, though. When there's a line I can't quite remember, I usually turn to Google. A couple of nice sites are here and here.A few days ago I found a nice set as a journal entry on Seatle Pro-Domme Mistress Matisse's weblog.
Among them was one that I did not remember ever seeing before, but that I particularly enjoyed:
"There are really two kinds of submissives in the world: those who believe they don't deserve any better…and those who believe they don't deserve any less."
posted by John | 11:26 AM [permalink]